SMC Consulting Supports Cocom in Brussels with EU Digital Covid Certificate

SMC Consulting implemented for the Cocom, a Freshworks’ helpdesk solution product called ‘Freshdesk’, an omnichannel customer support software, to handle questions and issues related to the EU Digital COVID Certificate. Examples of such issues include: missing or incorrect vaccination data of which the vaccinator needs to re-register or correct the vaccination details.

Freshdesk‘s integration is meant to cut down on issue-resolution time and, therefore, facilitate travel around Europe for Belgian citizens.

The omnichannel and flexible Freshdesk environment allows organizations to capture issue data in a systematic way, by phone in a call center or online via self-service, and share it in an organized and secure way with all stakeholders involved in the EU Digital COVID Certificate (e.g. vaccination centers, hospitals, doctors, the Red Cross) implicated in the data correction or issue resolution. As an example, it might occur that the second dose of a vaccination is not correctly registered in VaccinNet, causing the EU Digital COVID Certificate to be non-compliant for travel. Upon registration of this issue by the call center agents, a ticket is created and transferred to the appropriate vaccinator for correction purposes, based on the relevant evidence. The ticketing system helps to guarantee timely and correct resolution and close-out for the citizen.

With proper software infrastructure, the team of 170 agents and stakeholders situated at more than 30 different sites currently handle 700 calls and 40 tickets per day on average, with a resolution turnaround time of under 24 hours per ticket.

According to Johan Reggers, Coordinator of the COVID activities for the Cocom, “Freshdesk has helped us to streamline the helpdesk process for the EU Digital Covid Certificate and allowed us to develop a good service for our citizens in a very short implementation lead time.”

According to Emmanuel Yazbeck, Partner and Founder of SMC Consulting, the N-Allo mandated by the Cocom reached out to SMC Consulting for a solution proposition to handle requests surrounding the EU Digital Covid Certificate on June the 2nd 2021. SMC Consulting got started on the project five days later and had less than ten business days to configure and customize their processes into Freshdesk, train the agents and deliver the final product by the 16th of June 2021.

“The requirements were not easy as it involved building workflows for a multitude of cases involving several stakeholders including call center agents (First line), Cocom dedicated staff (Second line), hospitals, vaccination centers and doctors (Third line). While putting the workflows in place may not sound complicated, the major challenge was the time constraint. The whole deployment, testing, finetuning and training happened in less than nine business days, and it involved us working nine to twelve hours per day where we had at times three resources involved. However, looking at the big picture and what was at stake kept us motivated and laser focused on the targets and the due dates.” said Emmanuel Yazbeck.

Citizens who do not find their vaccination certificate via the different channels foreseen (e.g. Covidsafe.Be,, or for which errors appear on the certificate, can call the Brussels Covid Contact Center (02 214 19 19) for assistance.

About Cocom

The Commission communautaire commune (COCOM) regulates and manages matters of well-being and health common to the two (French-speaking and Flemish-speaking) communities in the Brussels-Capital Region. In the Brussels-Capital Region the institutions occupied with what are called “personnalisable” matters, which means health (dispensing care within and outside of care institutions, health education, preventive medicine, etc.) and assistance (family policy, social policy, disabled persons, senior citizens, youth, migrants, social assistance to prisoners, etc.) to citizens, can affiliate themselves to either of the communities. For more information visit about Cocom :, and about COVID in the Brussels-Capital Region :

About Freshworks

Freshworks makes it fast and easy for businesses to delight their customers and employees. We do this by taking a fresh approach to building and delivering software that is affordable, quick to implement, and designed for the end-user. Headquartered in San Mateo, California, Freshworks has a dedicated team operating from 13 global locations to serve 50,000+ customers including Bridgestone, Chargebee, DeliveryHero, ITV, Klarna, Multichoice, OfficeMax, TaylorMade and Vice Media. For more information visit

About SMC Consulting

SMC Consulting specializes in Information Security, Data Science and Analytics and Customer Engagement. with a focus on the delivery and on putting the customer first. Our offer is aimed at fostering the success of our customers through the introduction of innovation along the whole economic digital chain. Given our knowledge of specific solutions and thanks to a consolidated experience, we provide highly effective solutions to the companies in various industrial sectors. With over 25 YEARS of experience, servicing large enterprises and hundreds of CLIENTS we have a proven track record in performance, delivery and providing happiness and efficiency to our customers. For more information visit

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