Freshsales CRM and Freshservice Synchronization App

Introducing the Freshsales
CRM and Freshservice
Synchronization App

Freshsales CRM and Freshservice Synchronization App

With our powerful Freshsales CRM and Freshservice Synchronization App you can seamlessly synchronizes contacts and departments between Freshsales CRM and Freshservice, streamlining your customer management process. With this app, you can ensure that your contacts and companies information remain consistent and up to date across both platforms.

When a new contact is created or updated in Freshsales CRM, our app automatically mirrors those changes in Freshservice. The contact details, such as emails, first name, last name, job title, and more, are synchronized to keep your customer records accurate and synchronized.
But it doesn’t stop there. Our app goes the extra mile by creating or updating the associated company as a department in Freshservice. This means that any changes made to the contact or company details in Freshsales CRM will be reflected in Freshservice, providing a seamless and unified experience for managing your customer relationships.
With our app, you can say goodbye to manual data entry and the risk of inconsistencies. The synchronization process is efficient and reliable, ensuring that your teams always have access to the most up-to-date customer information. Plus, the unique identifier of each contact is their email address, eliminating the hassle of duplicate records.

Key Features:

Effortless Contact Synchronization

Effortless Contact Synchronization:

  • Automatically create and update contacts in Freshservice when changes occur in Freshsales CRM.
  • Synchronization ensures data consistency and eliminates the need for manual updates.
Flexible Field Mapping

Flexible Field Mapping:

  • Customize the mapping of contact fields between Freshsales CRM and Freshservice.
  • Define which fields should be synchronized, ensuring relevant information is shared accurately.
Intelligent Duplicate Prevention

Intelligent Duplicate Prevention:

  • Utilize unique email addresses as identifiers to prevent duplicate contacts in Freshservice.
  • The app intelligently detects duplicates and avoids creating redundant entries.
Unidirectional Sync from Freshsales CRM

Unidirectional Sync from Freshsales CRM:

  • Ensure synchronization is exclusively from Freshsales CRM to Freshservice.
  • Contact updates made directly in Freshservice will not trigger updates in Freshsales CRM, maintaining data integrity.
Streamlined Company/Department Sync

Streamlined Company/Department Sync:

  • Automatically create or update Companies in Freshsales CRM as Departments in Freshservice.
  • Synchronize contact and associated company information seamlessly across both platforms.


Time-saving Efficiency

Time-saving Efficiency:

Our Freshsales CRM and Freshservice Synchronization App eliminates the need for manual data entry and ensures that contact and department information is automatically synchronized between the two platforms. This saves you valuable time and reduces the risk of errors or inconsistencies in your customer data.

Unified Customer Information

Unified Customer Information:

By synchronizing contacts and departments, our app provides a unified view of your customers across Freshsales CRM and Freshservice. You can access up-to-date contact details, including emails, names, job titles, and more, in both systems, enabling your teams to provide consistent and personalized customer experiences.

Seamless Updates

Seamless Updates:

Any changes made to contacts or companies in Freshsales CRM are instantly reflected in Freshservice, ensuring that your customer records are always accurate and up to date. This eliminates the need for manual updates or double-checking information, improving data integrity and reliability.

Hassle-free Mapping

Hassle-free Mapping:

Our app provides a seamless mapping of fields between Freshsales CRM and Freshservice, making it easy to synchronize essential contact and company information. You can customize the mapping to fit your specific business needs, ensuring a tailored and efficient synchronization process.

Enhanced Collaboration

Enhanced Collaboration:

By synchronizing departments as well, our app promotes better collaboration between sales and service teams. When a contact is created or updated in Freshsales CRM, the associated company is automatically created or updated as a department in Freshservice. This enables seamless coordination and shared insights across teams, leading to improved customer service and support.

Data Security

Data Security:

Our synchronization process is one-way, meaning that updates occur from Freshsales CRM to Freshservice. This ensures that your data remains secure and protected, minimizing the risk of accidental changes or updates in the opposite direction.

Improved Productivity

Improved Productivity:

Thanks to the Freshsales CRM and Freshservice Synchronization App, your teams can focus on core tasks and customer interactions rather than manual data entry or data management. This boosts overall productivity, allowing your team members to dedicate their time and expertise to strategic activities that drive business growth.

Rest assured, your data is safe and secure. The synchronization is one-way, from Freshsales CRM to Freshservice, so there’s no risk of accidental updates or changes in the opposite direction.

Are you ready to supercharge your customer management process? Try our Freshsales CRM and Freshservice Synchronization App today and experience the power of seamless data synchronization and unified customer information across platforms. Say hello to enhanced productivity and better customer relationships.

How to install for
Marketplace profile

Freshsales CRM and Freshservice Synchronization App from the marketplace.
Install the Freshsales CRM and Freshservice Synchronization App from the marketplace.
Verify your Freshservice account and API key
Verify your Freshservice account and API key
Configure field mapping to define which contact fields should be synchronized.
Configure field mapping to define which contact fields should be synchronized.
Configure Account mapping to define which departments or companies should be synchronized.
Configure Account mapping to define which departments or companies should be synchronized.
Freshsales CRM and Freshservice Synchronisation App
The feature One Time Synchronization allows you to synchronize contacts and accounts that were created before installing our app. By selecting the desired data and specifying the creation date range, you can ensure a smooth and complete synchronization process.

Take advantage of the Freshsales CRM and Freshservice Synchronization App to streamline your contact management and enhance your customer interactions. Say goodbye to manual data entry and ensure consistent contact information across both platforms. Install the app today and experience the power of seamless contact synchronization.

Contact Us

Connect with our team of experts today. Whether you have a question, need support, or are looking to partner with us, we’re here to help. Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch shortly.